Michael Corey is a Graphic Designer
based in Los Angeles, California.

Currently seeking new opportunities.
Previously at Puffco, Leo Burnett



Puffco Merchandise

Waterhash Crewneck

Creative Director: Kirk Summers
Production: Mo Carpio, Kaitlynn Scannel
Art Direction: Daniel Paris, Michael Corey
Photography: Jaya Kang
Illustration: Anthony Calvert
Concept: Michael Corey

Contemporary Hash Tech Shirt

Art Direction: Keely Metlen, Ryan Valentin
Photographer: Guicho Palma
Photo asst: @monicazulemaa @madebyabe
Talent: @zackshoots @tripl3lex @lei.ugh @so_phiaflores
HMUA: @disc0_lem0nade
Design: Michael Corey
Producers: Mo Carpio, Kaitlynn Scannel, Keely Metlen
Asst: @thevelvetdevil333

Headstash Shirt

Illustration: Josef Minor
Art Direction: Michael Corey

Merch Design, Art Direction

Puffco Glass Open

Logo design for the Puffco Glass Open. A competition for glass blowers to compete in creating the best Proxy attachments and more for cash awards.

Creative Director: Kirk Summers
Design: Michael Corey

Branding, Logo Design

Puffco Sales

Art Direction and Design for Puffco Black Friday, and 420 sales.

Creative Director: Kirk Summers
Art Direction: Daniel Paris, Michael Corey
Design : Michael Corey, Tim Cobos
Production: Mo Carpio, Kaitlynn Scannel
DP: Gabriel Bienzcycki

Branding, Art Direction, Typography

Puffco Pals

Get $30 for each friend you refer – they'll get $30 off their first Puffco purchase.

Creative Director: Kirk Summers
Design: Michael Corey
Illustration: Chris Goh

Branding, Art Direction, Typography

Puffco Peak Pro Opal

Social posts to support the launch
of the new Peak Pro.

Creative Director: Kirk Summers
Design: Michael Corey
Producer: Mo Carpio, Kaitlynn Scannel
Art Director: Danny Paris
Graphic Design

Puffcon Merch

Design: Michael Corey
Photographer: Guicho Palma

Graphic Design, Merch Design

Puffco Social

Puffco Proxy Wizard

Social concept for the Puffco Proxy Wizard launch.

Creative Director: Kirk Summers, Daniel Paris
Art Direction: Michael Corey
Production: Mo Carpio, Kaitlynn Scannel
DP: Gabriel Bienzcycki
Grip: Eli Difiore
MUA and Hair: Justine Fang
MUA and Assist: Jordyn Mares

Dab Sweats

Design and Art Direction for the Puffco Sweatsy Towel. We made a video that shows new users what dab sweats are while paying homage to seasoned hash smokers.

Creative Director: Kirk Summers
Video Concept: Michael Corey
Designer: Michael Corey
Art Direction: Daniel Paris, Michael Corey
Production: Mo Carpio, Kaitlynn Scannel
DP: Gabriel Bienczycki

Dabbers Debate

Social concept inspired by our community's debates over water dabs versus dry dabs.

Creative Director: Kirk Summers
Art Direction: Michael Corey, Daniel Paris
Creative Producers: Mo Carpio, Kaitlynn Scannel, Keely Metlen
DP: Gabriel Bienzcyck

Can we be friends?

We compare the fascinating similarities between hash culture and the hype around natural wine. Two communities seeking quality and flavor, can they be friends?

Creative Director: Kirk Summers
Art Director: Michael Corey
Creative Producers: Mo Carpio, Kaitlynn Scannel, Keely Metlen
DP: Gabriel Bienzcycki

Proxy Travel Bag

Creative Director: Kirk Summers
Art Direction: Michael Corey, Daniel Paris
Creative Producer: Mo Carpio, Kaitlynn Scannel
PA: Keely Mettlen
DP: Gabriel Bienzcycki
Audio: Emily Tong
Grip: Ron Mendez
Gaffer: Jeremy Gulco
Strategy, Art Direction 

The Guide To Social Decency

Typographic titles for a series on how to sesh after returning to society.

Title Design

Peak Pro Flourish

Art Direction and design to support the launch of the new Peak Pro Flourish.

Creative Director: Kirk Summers
Production: Mo Carpio, Kaitlynn Scannel, Keely Mettlen
Art Direction: Daniel Paris, Michael Corey
Photography: Gabriel Biencyzcki
MUA: Sinh Vo
Graphic Design, Art Direction

Puffco Pivot

The Pivot puts the full Puffco experience in your pocket. The same size as a pen, this discreet, mobile vaporizer features a quick-release 3D Chamber that delivers premium flavor and real-time temperature control.

Creative Director: Kirk Summers
Production: Mo Carpio, Kaitlynn Scannel, Keely Metlen
Art Direction: Michael Corey
Photography: Gabe Bienczycki

Art Direction